It turned out way yum!
We met up with a great friend at Thanksgiving Point animal farm
Domo gave us free tickets to a Utah Jazz basketball game! It was awesome getting a date night and doing something different!!!
We went to Lehi's FUN center with Jared's sis and her family!!
Breeann attends an amazing private preschool!!! LOVE it!!! Anyway~ they had spirit week. On Tues., it was crazy hair day
On Thurs., it was princess/super hero day... of course she choose a princess
I had to add this pic. because she's just adorable!!The last weekend of April, Jared went camping with the scouts... the other leader took this pic of my handsome hubby
So... this month we have discovered a lot of snakes in our yard!! It's been crazy.
The kids have actually, overall, enjoyed it. They're good about leaving the snake alone, but love trying to find them... as well as other bugs. Yay for nice weather, being outside... this momma could do without so many snakes and bugs, but that's okay. I don't mind a few, but yeah...
Anyway, that about sums up our April I think. Hopefully you all had just as an amazing month!!!