So I promise I did try posting this the other day, but blogger was being retarded. Still kind of is, but I found a way around. SO! Our Thanksgiving in Las Vegas! We had majority of my siblings and their families there. It was a lot of fun. Although, we did miss the ones that couldn't make it... we still had fun without them. But shh! Don't tell :o) We didn't really do anything exciting. We visited, played, ate, watched movies, and had fun! There was one exciting event that happened, but we'll let Jared tell it. It's his story, sorry. Anyway~ here are some fun pics. from the trip. Caption/explanation at the top of the pic.
So, in my family we teach them young to do chores. :o) Within reason of course. Here's my cute little 4 (almost 5) year old nephew helping with the dishes. No one even asked. He just said he'd do them.

So, they might kill me for putting this pic. up so no one tell :o) 3 generations! grilling. My 8 yr. old nephew had to cook outside for a cub scout requirement. My bro. and my dad were helping him. I thought it was sweet. They got mad at me taking pics, so that's why there's water on the window. :o)

Me and super dude doing dishes! I think he's a keeper!

Oh, how adorable is he? 2 yrs. old and already knows the good stuff (whipping cream and pumpkin pie).

Papa teaching him how to enjoy the goods.

And we must not forget this little handsome man! He's just less then a week younger than "Thor" but definitely is bigger then "Thor". We just love him to pieces already!