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Monday, March 15, 2010

Busy, busy!

It's been a crazy last couple of weeks. We ended up moving Feb. 23. It's wonderful! An adventure all ready. That Fri., the 26th, our water heater overflowed. The pressure valve popped. On the 28th, Sun., I was called to serve as committee chair for cub scouts. I had my last clinical for the semester on Mar. 4. This last Tues., the 9th, is when the "fun" really started. It ended up with my right hand looking like this

I did it by doing this

obviously, that's not true. Makes for a fun story though. Truthfully, I fell and how I landed I totally broke my little finger. They had to go in and put wires in so the bone will eheal right. That was on the 10th. I am doing good though. Pain wise it's not bad. The worse part is the huge cast. I can't do anything! Well, writing, playing the piano, and other things like that. Forces me to have a leave of absence from work too. So that's the huge excitement. We just finished a fun weekend. It was mixed with activities on both sides of our family. We had my sister, her husband, my brother, our nephew, Jared's brother, Jared's sister and her family all come see us! It was a blast!! Now it's back to the grind of studying and real life stuff. Grr... if only a broken finger could get me out of that one ;0)


Nola said...

Yucky...the cast looks like it is no fun at all!

Sara said...

Oh Devin! That is such a yucky string of events! I know what it is to be laid up with a broken bone. It sucks. My prayers are with you! I blew out my back a little bit ago, but no cast thank goodness, LOL you can read about it on my blog =)

Happy Healing!