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Monday, June 13, 2016

Won't miss you either, May!!!

Turns out May was NOT our month either. Bare with me as I am a story teller... or like to pretend, try to be :oP And I'll warn you now, I remember weird details. If you haven't caught that already. I'll throw in pics. to help break things up. Also, I definitely not looking for sympathy or anything... just informing of what can happen wtih our sweet princess Breeann.

On May 10th, Breeann woke up (about 7:30 am) just fine. We did our normal routine, for being a school day. About 8, she just started throwing attitude and made herself throw up (or at least I think :oP and yes, our daughter can make herself throw up). Jared asked if we should keep her home from school, but by that time I had just had it and needed space from her. Sent them out the door, and not even 5 mins. later Jared calls me to say Bree threw up again in the back of his car, he's bringing her back. I can't explain it really, but because of that whole car situation, I knew we weren't dealing with just attitude. Which, amazingly, I was able to go from furiously mad to compassionate and nuturing by the time they made it back. Anyway~ all she wanted to do was "soak" (in quotations because let's be honest, girl can't really have a good soak in the tub, poor thing!) and watch t.v. shows in her bed. By 10:30 she had thrown up a total of 4 times and spiked a 101 fever. Now you guys get a better idea how fast this chick can turn on ya?!? Anyway, so by this point I made arrangements for Jared to get Ayden off the bus and my in-laws to take "baby". Yes, thankfully Jareds parents were in town!!! and one of Jared's bros lives on the way to Primary Children's too. thanks again mom,dad, josh, and jill!!! So with those two taken care of, I got Bree to the ER by noon.

They do their assessments, blood work, etc... and decided to start her on a IV antibiotic... everything was pointing towards line infection. It was actually kind of sudden, and this is why we start antibiotics at the hospital, but anyway, about 2 p.m. Bree went septic (clink on the link if you're not sure what that is). 

Once again, girl changes fast... and likes to give her mom heart attacks. ER staff could not get her blood pressure to come up, despite loading her with a lot of fluids (even for an adult!) so they started her on a medication (epinephrine) that can only be given in the ICU. So at 5 p.m. (Jared got to the ER just in the nick of time) we got her to the ICU. It was about 7 p.m. on the 11th when they were able to transfer her to a regular floor.

On the 13th, since Breeann was acting better and her blood work was not showing an IV infection, they sent us home! Just in time to party with the Payne's like all weekend. We celebrated Mom and Dad's 40th wedding anniversary, Bree's bio aunt's baby shower,

and our niece getting blessed!! Mon., the 16th, we have Mom and Dad over for dinner, then jared and I snuck in a little date. When we get back, Mom tells us Bree gave attitude and threw up a tiny bit when putting her to bed. We chalk it up to she was overly tired, not wanting to go to bed. 9 p.m. that night, I got get her up to go to the bathroom, start a feeding and Bree has a 101 fever (102 by the time we got to the hospital) and throws up once or twice. Yes, she was just straight admit to the hospital again. The next morning, the 17th, drs tell me that blood work they did showed bacteria in her line!!! Not that I want her to have a line infection, but by this time I was just so dang happy to have answers so we can get our princess back!!! She was discharged the 20th. So yeah, basically 2 weeks at that hospital!!

Starting about the time Bree originally got sick, "baby" did too. Jared took "baby" to the dr., on the 20th, and yeah... poor thing had bronchiolitis and ear infection!

So after all that, and doing about week and a half of round the clocks atibiotic for both girls... I survived!! Onry, sleep deprived... but we all surived.

Luckily there was some fun in May! lol That fun weekend I mentioned between Bree's hospital visits... as well as Jared and I celebrated our enagement anniversary,
Ayden and I went to a baby shower for his Mom Stasha (aka bio mom).
His bio bro and his mom were there too. We have started calling ourselves the "sister mama's" lol

kids started playing with water in the backyard, that type of stuff. 
After finding the line infection, right antibiotics, Bree started feeling better and had fun painting nails (including her dads!), making a mask, and playing with legos to keep her busy while still inpatient.
  Unfortunately Ayden wasn't as entertained
Just kidding! He actually loves going to the hospital too. THey have lots of fun toys and crafts for kids do to. Unfortunately I didn't get a pic. Ayden also got to go on a fun hike with his school friend.
So yeah, another month I will try to mentally block out. Thankfully June is off to a better start, so far. Love to all!!


Fancy Schmancy said...

Brutal month! Glad it's over and here's to a fabulous summer!!! Well, hopefully! Lova you!

Ashley said...

I'm sorry for all of the illness your family experienced. You guys amaze me with your faith and patience. We love you!