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Friday, January 1, 2016

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

We all know I'm not the best with words, so bear with me here. I've been working on this post for a while :P but I just can't seem to find the right words, so here ya go, with my attempt.

I just have such an immense amount of gratitude for all of you, our loved ones. With Bree's health recently back on the roller coaster (more on that later too), there has been so many people that have helped us! Watching Ayden, calls/text, letting me vent/talk, a meal or two, etc. We received a few awesome packages, letters in the mail... Just a outpouring of love from everyone! It was just a huge reminder of how extremely blessed we are. I try to show that appreciation by paying it forward/back or at the very minimum sending a thank you message. But it just seems so completely inadequate for the love and service that has been rendered to us. Please know it is all sincerely appreciated and noticed.

Frequently I get asked, commented to that people don't know how we do it. Honestly, our success is, first and for most, is Heavenly Father. Our prayers and fasting, as well as the prayers and fasting of you all, are definitely heard, have been answered, and felt. No question in my mind that Breeann wouldn't be here and we couldn't make it through without all our faith. Secondly, our success is also you guys, our loved one. We couldn't do it without the help you guys give by your help of lifting our burdens. So thank you a million times over, for everything!!! We love and appreciate you all so very very much... even if we aren't the greatest at expressing it.

I wanted to add a couple of music videos because... music. lol Music is how I best express myself, feel closed to Heavenly Father, and stress relief. I wish there was a thank you video, but I couldn't find one that I liked :P Anyway~ this first video is how I feel about our situation.
Not easy, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Breeann is such a huge blessing to all those who know her and I consider her our "beautiful heartbreak". I know we'll make it through.

This next one... I think is more to help remind me that Breeann, and everyone for that matter, really is in Heavenly Father's hands.
We have our "mountains" in life, but He is aware of all, and in charge. He may not answer our prayers how we want it to, but He will answer them according to His will/plan. 

Thanks for baring though this post. You guys really are awesome!!! Love, and appreciate, each one of you!!! 

1 comment:

KinderTeach said...

Bub, the amount of people that call, help, etc... is just a testament to how much you and Jared are loved. You both show love to others and so others are happy to help you anyway they can.