This was taken in Nov, but whatever lol |
I still cannot believe that Ayden is now 5 years old. Seriously seems like just yesterday we got called about him. He is seriously so fun. SSSOoo imaginative, energetic, and in general just LOVES life. Everything is so exciting and fun for him. And I'll have to say, so far, 5 has been my favorite stage. He has grown so much... well, developed so much! lol He's still so tiny. He probably about 33 pound and 3'2". So as far as his schooling, getting him into early intervention has done wonders for him. He still has behavioral problems, but he has come a long way. He's also doing great in developing his fine motor skills. Still won't use a eating utensil and has a hard time with a writing utensil. But he's more willing to work on it now and will do it properly about 75% of the time I'd say. This kid has the biggest heart when it comes to people too. We HAVE to wake him up to say good night if we're not home when he goes to bed, he gets concerned about Bree when she's sick, and apparently will even ask about his teacher(s) if they are not there. Randomly, and when he knows I'm upset, he'll tell me he loves me. This kid is just constantly making me smile and laugh too. He has a great sense of humor, I think. Interestingly enough, I think, he has also taught me patience in a different way. When he's having a hard ADHD and/or sensory day it's all I can do to not sell him to the circus! Getting up from meals a million times!! Can we say major fits, kicking the door hard!! But I take a deep breath, throw in some chocolate for me, and I can normally figure out what the root of the problem is and help him fix it.
Oh! As far as his actual birthday celebration! He begged for a friend party. So we invited family and about 4 or 5 friends and went to a park. He asked his dad for a Star Wars cake. Unfortunately my phone had a mishap on the way to his party so I don't think we have any pictures from the party or his cake :'(
And I think that about sums my Ayden. Happy birthday my special boy!!!
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