November turned out to be a overall not so fun month! It started out with Jared going to New Mexico to go to his grandpa's wedding!!
Happy times!! Except you know, when someone broke into our car (like smash the window open) and stole his sisters camera and equipment!! Grr!! But they still had a great time which is most important!! Anyway~ while Jared was doing that I was doing this:
Yep! Little miss had gotten herself admitted again that same weekend Jared was gone. Thankfully Jareds bro and his family were in town. They helped sssooo incredibly much around the house and with Ayden!! Feel bad I didn't get to just enjoy them more. But they were amazing about the whole thing. Thank you so much again for everything Itzel and Jacob!!! Oh and this is where I started suspecting that Breeann's intestines were dilated again. But more on that in a bit :oP
The second weekend, I got to go to Las Vegas for a couple days (hubby and kid free!! I didn't know what to do!!!). My cousin got married and I spent time with my mom and 2 of my sisters!! It was so fun but went too fast.
Just a couple cute pics from Nov.
This is when Nov. kept trying us... Breeann did this
not wanting to really move, play |
lots of snuggles |
On the 18th, we did a x ray study on Breeann ... one to see if I was right, we were dealing with dilated bowel again. The second reason is because she hadn't had a one in like a year and a half, and she had had her surgery last Nov. in Omaha, NE. Anyway~ this is what the x-ray study looked like (camera shot while they were doing it :oP )
Here's a internet pic of more of what it should have looked like. Granted Bree's wouldn't look like this even not dilated but hopefully gives you a good idea of how messed her insides are
When her dr called me with results, he said that her intestines are showing dilated, narrow, dilate, narrow type thing. SSOo... let's start with this... what does it mean for her intestines to be dilated? It means she is unable to move and absorb her food like she was before. Let's be honest, she's never had great motility or absorption but this makes it even worse. We are in the process of trying to talk to Breeann's team in Omaha NE. See if/what they can do. Please let us know if you have any questions, want clarification. We're a open book :o) We'd ask for prayers please!! Have a feeling hard decisions are coming our way again.
Anyway, we had a little bit of snow and of course Ayden had to eat it.
We got to go play at a fun center in Lehi
For Thanksgiving, we went up north to see Jared's sis and some of my side. This pic was at Jared's sis... the costume Ayden's in is 12-18 month size!!
Thanksgiving dinner at my parents!
My niece came over and had fun playing with the kids.
The last Sunday of Nov., the 27th, Bree woke up fine and slowly declined through out the day. By 5 pm she looked like this:
I had, had enough and took her to the ER. There they found she was in acidosis. She was pooping out so much that her body pH couldn't keep up... I hadn't notice a increase in poop really but yeah. I kind of think she was starving to death. Anyway~ because of this she admitted to Primary Children's. She was there for a week while they readjusted her IV fluids and figured out what we should do with her formula.
This pic was taken on Monday I believe... amazing what they can do for her!!
Now she's getting pretty much all her calories from her IV :'( A HUGE, HUGE step back from where we were! Hopefully our SBS warrior princess can overcome this obstacle without any more "excitement".
Anyway, that was our Nov. Not so fun but we made it because of the prayers, help, and support of our family and friends. Could not make it through without all of you!! Hope you all know how much we love you and appreciate all you do!! Thank you so incredibly much from the bottom of our hearts!!!