Today was a very busy day for both Devin and I. I had meetings this morning at 8:45 and when I got home Devin had left for other meetings. She eventually got home at around 1:00. This worked out good for me because I had a talk in church today. I got a kick out of how I opened my talk so I want to tell you how it opened. I started out by bragging about my horrid singing skills and apologized and told everyone who is musically inclined to plug their ears. I then sang the song “The Prophet said to plant a garden”. I then talked about my 4 square feet of garden and about a news report I had recently heard. The report talked about the fact that for every dollar you spend on your garden you get roughly 50 dollars of produce. I then talked about the 49 dollar profit from 1 dollar of investment. I then stated that “the PROFIT said to plant a garden” . I waited for about 2 seconds before people started to laugh at the very dumb joke. Most of the rest of my talk was taken from the provident living website and I talked about the ways the prophet has instructed us to profit and how to manage our lives. Before priesthood our bishop came up to me and thanked me for not singing any more. Other people said that I was very brave for standing up in front of the whole ward and poorly singing a song. Devin's scouting assistant was talking down the hall with her boys and said that after I sang the song her boys went wild with laughter and she had trouble calming them down but they did listen to the rest of my talk so I guess that it worked.
After sacrament meeting I was a little sad. Devin started her new calling as the Assistant Primary Chorister so she did not come to gospel principles with me. Devin was a little worried about how to handle the kids. As she started singing time Devin felt like a freight train plowed into her from out of no where. I mean have you ever seen rail road tracks in the church. Well Devin found the invisible ones and got smashed. Devin said the kids had lots of energy. I can not blame them after listening to me give a talk and singing bad I would want to get out of the building as well. Devin had an apron with lots of little cut out pictures relating to songs. Devin would put the apron on the kids and let them pick a picture and everyone would sing the song. The primary had a tradition that the class that sang the best got a reward. The kids think it is very exciting to get to put a pair of bunny ears on their teacher. The kids seemed to have a good time and Devin survived. She already has ideas for next week. Devin is excited about the calling and is really going to have lots of fun. We love you and hope that you have a really fun week.
Jared having happy bunny thoughts!
Devin in her singing apron
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