Sorry for not reporting last week. Hope you all survived ;0) Anyway~ it has been quite an eventful last couple of weeks in our household. I will not go in chronological order... So Friday, the 16^th , Jared went in for surgery to have his kidney stone removed.. HUGE surprised. There was no kidney stone! The doctor came out and told me that there's was no kidney stone. What he did find was a calcium deposit (which kidney stones can be made of) that has embedded and gotten covered with tissue. In other words, Jared has a permanent kidney stone. The doctor does not think this is causing his pain. As the tender mercy of the Lord would have it, Jared has an appointment with his primary care physician this Wednesday (the 21^st ) for a cholesterol check. He'll talk to her about the pain he's having and see what she suggest. Jared is still having pains though. Please remain keeping him in your prayer. Thanks so much! We'll keep you all updated as we know stuff. So let's see... next important event... we put an offer on a house! It is only like two or three blocks away. We're in the same ward even. It's a 4 bedroom, 2 bath with a nice yard, and garage. We hope we get it. Yes, it is more space then we need right now, but we'll grow into it. It may be a while until we hear if we get it or not. So … we're in a waiting game, yet again. Such is life though, right? I think other than that our last couple of weeks have been getting ready for the surgery and doing normal stuff. Jared did put in A LOT of extra hours for work the first week of Oct. They had a product ship so... just name of the game. We did some baby-siting for a family in our ward and our little foster girl. That was a blast. It's always fun to be with kids. They're great. Jared also did quite a bit of helping a friend with the friend's computer homework. We were part of a couple events that were great too. One night we went with our ward. The Relief Society had sisterhood week. We went to humanitarian center and put together school kits. Jared came to help lift boxes and do whatever men do when it's mainly women. We also had the opportunity to help surprise one of our good friends, Wendy, for her birthday. Shane, Wendy's husband, threw her a surprise birthday party. I was the one who took her out so she'd be out of the house. I got the good end I think. I got a pedicure out of it. Jared helped set up the party.
Devin asked for me to take over the letter. There were some fun things that happened this week. Saturday my brother Jason and his wife came over to our house. They were doing stuff like laundry and Devin convinced Jason to cut my hair. I was of the opinion that if I was only getting a hair cut I would just pluck it out instead of cutting it. Devin then informed me that all of my hairs on my head were to be cut that day. I replied, “If I cut my facial hairs, will that be enough?” Devin insisted that the ones on the top of my head needed to be cut as well. Eventually Jason started to trim the hairs on my head. As he was doing so he accidentally noticed that he gave me the best kind of hair cut in the world. The style is described as “business in the front and party in the back”. Yes, my brother gave me a mullet. We were talking about the awesomeness of this style and Jason made it look ultra party in the back. Jason was trimming up my side burns when Devin stormed over to us and extracted the clippers from Jason's hands. For some unknown reason Devin did not like my new do. She then trimmed up my hair the way she liked it. I was not impressed with this draconian approach to hair cutting. Devin claims that my hair has far reaching effects on her. I then informed her that if my hair looked good short and not long that maybe it would look best all the way off. Devin then vetoed my new fresh idea. I ended up with a plain vanilla hair cut. Just like Devin likes. If you have hair styling suggestions for my next hair cut please respond. I want a new style but Devin is not excited about my suggestions.
I also want to point out something about my kidney stone surgery. I had been resisting Devin on going in for surgery over the past month or so. I pointed out that the pain, though annoying was not, debilitating most of the time and that I should just wait it out. I was miserable after the last surgery and wanted nothing to do with a repeat of last time. After finding out that I had surgery for no reason at all I felt vindicated at being right about not having surgery. Devin now insists that it does not matter, and that because I was right for all the wrong reasons does not make me correct. Devin is claiming that she was correct in calling the doctor and getting everything setup and that now we need to look in another direction. I do not understand how being right for the wrong reasons is wrong, but being wrong for the right reasons is right. If you can figure that out over the next week pleas let me know. I have been looking at the letter and have many questions for you to answer but I look forward to hearing your suggestions. Until next week we hope your week is less Payne-ful than ours was.
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