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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Jared got me

Yeah, I should be studying... but all the studying of sedative/antianxiety is putting me to sleep SO I thought I'd do a short blog post to hit the refresh button. Anyway~ the other night, I was upstairs getting ready for bed when all of the sudden I heard banging on my piano. I thought that was really weird because I'm the only one in the house who goes near the piano. So I yelled down to Jared if he decided he wanted me to teach him. He replied no... by this time I was heading to the stairs to see what was going on. This is what I found ...

Jared saw the video of the dog playing and decided he wanted to teach Buddy to play and sing too. I couldn't help but bust up laughing. I got a little video of it too, if you'd like to hear him actually play...

Yeah, a little excited at the end. For all those interest... I FINALLY! was able to get a video of Buddy singing. It's not the best picture, because what I had to do was.... I set the camera next to me on the piano bench. You can still kind of see Buddy though. ENJOY!!


Stacy said...

haha, I love the singing Buddy. Our little chihuahua used to go nuts when my sister played this really intense piano song... but he sounded more like he was in intense pain than singing. Cute video :)

Jeni said...

Oh my goodness I am LOVIN it!! Cute cute cute!!!

Jeni said...

Bart just said, "Buddy sings more on key then Jared does!"

Cami said...

Hillarious! I love dogs and their personalities. Each one is so different and they do such quirky, funny things.

Glen and Kris Payne said...

I agree with Bart! Although listening to either one is entertaining. How do you get real practice time in - ha ha

Jeni said...

BTW, I added your button to my blog. I had to label it, "Hoping to be an aunt," ehehehe. Since my blog went private I am not sure who will see it, but I sure love you guys and look forward to the amamzing day that children will be introduced to your oh-so-loving home!!!