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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Buddy boy!

This post will mainly be about Buddy, but there's a bit of an update on Little Man. We found out today that … so his grandma will have her home study done tomorrow. BUT there's a few things that need to be worked out with his day care (his grandma works full time during the day). Until these things are worked out, he'll stay with us! So it looks like we have another week or two with him!!! We're so excited! Going to be fabulous having him in our home for a little bit longer. At the same time, I'm worried because we'll get that much more attached. Oh well! The extra time is so worth it!

Anyway~ on to Buddy.

He's such a great dog. Hasn't been paying attention to the baby. He's been doing a lot of playing, like this...

and like this...

... and this

Here's a little video to show you how fast he can be.

Don't you love how he runs away at the end? lol That's my Buddy dog!

This is Rip.

He's our neighbors dog. He's like 150 lbs, so 3-4x Buddy's size. They have so much fun together though.

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