So yeah, as mentioned in my hugely long post... my birthday was last week. You know, I have to say, as I get older birthdays really become just another day for me. Still fun to get spoiled (which I definitely got spoiled this year!) but I don't have this desire to announce to everyone I see that it's my birthday... like I did when I was 5.
We did get more pictures, but it was pretty much all the same thing. This picture was taken the night before. Jared threw together a little party... we just had ice cream (couldn't forget the reese, chocolate syrup, and peanut butter!) and visited. Mom Payne was there, Jason (Jared's bro.), Michelle (Jason's wife), and their boys (although the boys were sleeping at the time of the fun), and two of my good friends Jessa and Emily.
The day of my actually birthday we went for breakfast, I went to movie and lunch with Shannon (my sis.), and later that night we went to the temple. There were other things in there, but I don't consider them birthday celebration stuff.
Like I said I got SPOILED!!! The main spoiling things were ... Mom Zobrist and my sisters got me a massage!! It was AMAZING!!! Much, much needed. Thanks so much again you guys! I also got a pedi/mani from some good friends!! Thank you, thank you Vicki and Darren!! That was also much needed. So I took a day this last week and used both. I was in heaven that whole day. I also got lots of small things from Mom Payne, Mom Zobrist, Shannon, and another friend. Jared got me something that ... I love, but it benefits him a bit too ... He got me a bluetooth keyboard thing for our ipad. So yeah, and that's not to mention all the birthday wishes on facebook, here, calls, texts...
I would definitely say I was spoiled. Thanks so incredibly much everyone!!! Love you all!!!
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