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Sunday, May 31, 2009

family letter 5/31

Missionaries Family and Friends

There where several things that happened this week. First, as many of you know Monday was Memorial Day. Devin and I had work off so we got to play all day long. Playing would probably be a gross misstatement for what we did. The day started out with me cleaning the bathrooms and sweeping and moping the kitchen. I also went shopping for a few items we needed for the day. Devin went shopping with me but she did not do any of the other things. Devin did interesting things like learning how to become a nurse and sitting on the couch. We were excited because Devin's family was coming over that afternoon to do more interesting things. My favorite thing was after Melissa and Shannon got here we went and saw the new “Star Trek” movie. I had wanted to see the movie since it came out but was forced to wait until this last Monday. It was worth the wait. After the movie we came back here and had hamburgers and homemade ice cream. Thanks Karen, my aunt, for the recipe. The rest of the day was fun and ended up with a walk around the ward to pass out fliers for pack meeting the next day.

Did I mention that this week was pack meeting? Devin was excited on Sunday because a new Committee Chair was called and the week before a new Cub Master was called. They are very good and are excited to help the boys have a good time in scouts. Sunday there was a meeting to plan the pack meeting, all Devin had to do was go to the scout store and get the awards. Devin had been running the whole Cub Scout program until about 2 weeks ago so only having one responsibility was a great relief to her. This pack meeting was one of the funnest ones in a long time. The awards were buried in a big tub filled with dirt and the boys had to dig through the box to find their awards. They thought this was lots of fun. After the awards Bro. Anderson gave a 15 minute presentation on honey bees and how you order them in the mail, as well as what you do to take care of them. The kids where piled around him and the equipment. After that the kids played a few games. One of my favorite games was the egg toss. Some of the kids got about 50 feet apart before the egg broke. I watched one egg break and just splatter all over one of the scouts uniform. He then chased down his partner to try and smash an egg on him. It really was lots of fun. Following that there was a 3 legged race. The leader in charge of this event brought yarn to tie the kids legs together. I knew this was going to be a catastrophe before it started. I saw 2 pairings who had already broken the yarn and where lining up for the race. I tried to catch this on video with my phone but messed up. The kids were to go about 50 feet and back. By the time the kids got to the turn around point ¾ of them had broken the yarn and were attempting to stay next to their partner. About ½ way back it became apparent that staying close to your partner was not going to win the race and from there it became a sprint to the finish line. Half the kids claimed to have won the race and the adults did not try and spoil it by crowning a winner. Also when the kids crossed the finish line not a single piece of yarn survived the race and no one crossed with their partner. The scouts had a great time and the pack meeting was fun for everyone including the adults. I also want to point out that the leaders had about 2 or 3 other things planned but ran out of time. Devin and I are very grateful for the new cub scout leadership.

Saturday was not a good day for me. I had been sick for the last few days of the work week. Nothing real serious, mainly a cough and I felt a little ache. Saturday morning was not very good though. I finally fell asleep around 1 a.m. and woke up at 5:30 a.m. I spent the rest of the day in a daze. I was asleep for most of the day but I had the following weird dream. I was sick and not feeling well and this short little blond girl kept talking to me and telling me things like we need to get out of the house and buy a new dishwasher. I told her I needed a subscription to a magazine in order to purchase a dishwasher this was a reasonable request so the girl relented and I got the magazine. The rest of the dream was very frustrating. The blond girl drove me to the store where we looked at dishwashers. We were about to purchase one when I realized that I did not have my magazine, so we went home for the magazine. After going back home the blond girl found the dishwasher she wanted and I texted the model number to myself. We then went back to the store and got the dishwasher the blond girl wanted. Then something strange happened. he dishwasher would not fit into our little Honda civic. This brought about some frustration so we borrowed a truck from the store and brought the dishwasher home. The little blond girl then insisted that I needed to install the dishwasher so it would not be in middle of the living room. As I was trying to install the dishwasher I needed a few parts so we drove around town looking for the parts we needed this took an abnormal amount of time. Eventually I got all the parts and returned home. The blond girl then stood over me and insisted on me getting the thing installed immediately. Finally when I got the stupid thing installed the blond girl gave me a big hug squeeze kiss and took me out for ice cream. It was a very frustrating dream because I did not have all the parts and kept going back and forth. I am sure that when you are sick and have weird dreams you get annoyed to. A weird thing happened this morning though. I got up, feeling much better than the day before, and went down stairs and for some reason I have a subscription to Consumer Reports and we have a new dishwasher. I like Consumer Reports and Devin, my cute little blond wife, likes the dishwasher because you can put odd sized things in it like plates, so I am going to be happy that this particular dream came true. Here is to you having a fun week like we did

Jared working hard on installing our dishwasher. Yeah, I just stood back, watched, and had fun while he did all the work.

Proud owners of a working dishwasher!


B 'n T said...

My only question is did the rest of your dream come true. Did you get a hug squeze kiss and some Ice cream?

Devin said...

yes, it did! :)

Jeni said...

Can I have that dream, and can my dish washer please be a fifty something named Maria?