Jared's finger is doing great. Luckily, it's never really caused him pain (only when it gets bumped by him, me, or something else). Another tender mercy, is even though he got 80% of the tendon, he does not need surgery! YAY! Both his primary care doctor and the hand specialist are pleased with how it's coming along. Jared will get the stitches out next Tues., the 28th. Today he'll get a small splint and start physical therapy. Work is keeping him way busy. Same with scouts. Jared is still being superman, and doing it all!
I've been way busy preparing for Little Man to come home (more details later), for a family reunion we have this weekend, and for the trek next week! I've loved every minute. I wish there was more time in the day, but it'll all work out. I know some of you guys have been wondering about school. The nursing director still have not contacted me to say if I was readmitted. I did e-mail her last Fri. and still haven't heard back. I'm assuming I'm not readmitted. So... next step would be to look into the online program I found. We may go to the dean, but we're both assuming she won't change her mind so we'll probably do both things simultaneously. Other then that, nothing with me.
Now for the update you've all been waiting for... Little Man! He's doing wonderfully! He's grown about 6 oz since we've first meet him. He's now 5 lb. 10 oz. He has not had any more breathing/ heart rate problems. He's starting to eat better too! They put him on a feeding protocol. So, stage 0 is all tube feedings in a 12 hr. shift, stage 1 is 1 bottle, 3 tube feedings in 12 hrs., stage 2 is 2 bottles, 2 tube feedings, and it goes to stage 4 which is 4 bottles, no tube feeding in 12 hours. On Mon. when we saw him, he was at a stage 2. Jared feed him that night, he didn't eat as well as he should have so we were worried they'd keep him at a stage 2 (the nurse told us he could be advanced on Tues.). Well, last night when we got there the nurse informed us he was advanced to a stage 4!!! So freakin' excited!! Go Little Man!!! Oh, and I told Jared he's no longer allowed to feed Little Man (at least not in the hospital). :o) So if he keeps doing great on stage 4, Little Man should come home sometime between Fri.- Sun. I think. Sun. night the nurse showed us how to do a swaddle bath (pretty much it's bathing them in a fleece blanket to help keep the baby warm). Yeah, Little Man was not a fan! I don't know if he was too hungry or what, but he was not a happy camper. I told him if he learns anything from me it'll be to love baths!! Think that's about it. He's such a mellow baby. So far he's a great first one, I think.
no that's not Little man! Just a cute baby I found online
Oh! Some of you may, may not be interested in knowing what we decided to do about the 3 big events we have this next month. Scout camp for Jared will remain the same. He'll go, have a fabulous time, and hopefully keep those boys in line. The trek we have decided that Jared will go, I will stay home with Little Man. With Jared's finger he won't be able to really push or pull the handcarts, but with how big our group is, that shouldn't be a problem. With Girls Camp, the jury is still out. I feel bad backing out last min., I've got two sisters-in-law that have so willing accepted to watch Little Man while Jared's at work for that week, and it could work out for me to go. But my wise, all knowing mom and amazing husband have both counseled me to pray and consider staying home. Any thoughts, comments from all of you are more then welcome.
Anyway~ that about sums it up for us! Sorry to be so long winded. At least I added random pics. to help break it, right? ;o) Love to all!!
Thanks for the update! I'm so happy that little man is doing so well!!! As for girl's camp, all I can say is that you will definitely not want to leave him for an hour, much less a week :)
Once you have kiuds you can't make plans... If I had a new baby at home- I would not go. And I think if you asked anyone else, they would agree. Pray about it; but LM was put in your home BEFORE girls camp for a reason. Give someone else a chance to serve will ya! :-)
I'm so excited for you to have Little Man home! I am a big ol' baby! I have Girl's Camp I'm supposed to go to also but I'm having a REALLY hard time with the idea of leaving my Gracie and she just turned 2 years old. When you are fully responsible for a little one it's just really hard to be away from them for that long! Even when you know other people are capable of taking care of them just fine. Thankfully our girls are camping about 45 minutes away so I've decided that once or twice I will drive up and back in the evenings with other people who are driving back and forth as well. Just go with your "mommy gut" and you'll do well!!! Every other mom will understand I'm sure!!! We've ALL been there in some way or another! :)
If you had to go be with a bm who chose you to adopt the week of girls camp, you would not go to girls camp. I feel like the YW will be just fine without you. Having little man with you is a better reason than most, to not go. Stay home, love on that new baby. I'm sure this years girls camp is not going to be the last one you are asked to go to. :)
Glad Jared's finger is doing better.
Keep us posted on if you get that email back from the school. Most importantly SOAK UP AND LOVE ON LITTLE MAN! :D
Cute Girl!
This is Esther. I am being selfish and saying come with me to Girlie Camp! I told my hubby when I found out you were going to camp that you being there, makes me less anxious about leaving Claire and really excited to go. But, I don't know how I would have left a Little Man at home for a week. So, I am not helpful, wish you would go, but not wanting you to leave your LM! AHHH good luck making a decision!
Stay with the baby!
definitely stay home!!!!
Mom Payne
The girls at girls camp have lots of leaders to love and help them. Little Man only has one "Mommy." Stay home. Heavenly Father will make up the difference at Girl's Camp while you are taking care of his precious son. He's really good about stuff like that. Trust Him. ;) Just my two cents worth. :) Jana
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