Let me start out by saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELISSA! It's hard to believe my baby sister is now 22. Man, I'm old! Jared wants to start out by saying “nanny, nanny, boo boo! I had a better week then you do!” The start wasn't as great. I worked Sunday, was on call Monday, and got ready for our trip on Tuesday. That night (Tuesday) I had a meeting for cub scouts. Jared worked Monday and Tuesday. I think he was getting anxious to get going to the Bahamas though because he eneded up coming home early both days. Tuesday Jared went and helped Tyler (just a reminder, that is his friend that he's been helping with school) and they FINALLY!!! got the project passed off. Just in time for Jared to pick up Jason, his brother, and Jason's girlfriend Michelle. The four of us went out to dinner to celebrate Jason's birthday, then they took us to the airport. Let me tell you, red eye flights are not fun! It wasn't as bad as I was expecting, but I'd much prefer to travel during the day. We ended up in the Bahamas at 12:00 pm eastern time. I will let Jared take over here and tell about our trip.
Let me tell you that going to the Bahamas on someone else's dime is not very comfortable. First of all a dime is very small and if you bring you spouse with you It is nearly impossible to get both of you on a dime. Going to the Bahamas when someone else is paying for it it a wonderful thing. Especially when they put you up in a 5 star resort. Wednesday we got to the Bahamas and went out and played. As you can see from our 10^th floor balcony the water park is pretty cool. I am sorry to say that you can not see all of the park it is just too big. In case you did not know Devin has a problem with water slides. As a matter of fact Devin does not like watersides in the least. She feels like she is out of control and going to die. I decided to start Devin out easy on a ride I know she likes the lazy river. I want you to know that I did not know in advance that the lazy river was anything but lazy. When we first got in it was quite relaxing but then the river dropped about 5 feet and speed up Devin held on to my arm yelling my name. At the same time I was yelling because I thought it was fun. Devin was not impressed with this early experience and it only got worse. After about 30 feet of rapids things slowed down and Devin caught her composure. Devin did not know that the large building just next to the river was pumping large amounts of water up high in order to create a wave to push people through the next section I throughly enjoyed the waves and tried to hit the waves where they crashed. Devin wanted nothing to do with that but had no control. After the river slowed down the river came to an end at a conveyor belt that lifted you up hight in the air the whole way up Devin complained about the eminent slide at the end. Did I mention that Devin HATES watersides? After we got to the top to took a breath of relief there was not slide and the conveyor belt gently placed us in the water. Devin was only passifed for a few minutes before she realized that the river was very steep with lots of rapids for a very long time. Devin then resumed her normal position of holding onto my arm and screaming my name in a futile attempt to get me to save her. I continued to laugh and yell which I think panicked Devin a little more. Devin at this time was ready to get out of the river and do something else. I want you to know that it took us trips along the river in order to get 1 full loop around. Devin went on 2 other slides one she wanted to go on that ended by slowly going trough a glass tunnel surrounded by a shark tank and another one that I think is kind of wimpy that Devin said was way to scary to go on again. I will say that the shark slide was very cool at one point we where only about 3 inches from a shark.
Over the next couple days we spent lots of time walking around the resort looking at all the gigantic aquariums. We saw all types of cool things. They had manta rays, moray eels, Lots of sea creatures I will say that we saw more types of fish in their aquariums than we did on our snorkeling trip. For example just in the shark category we saw black tip, nurse and hammer head sharks. My favorite fish that we saw was a saw fish it is a really odd looking animal that was really interesting to look at. There was more to do at the resort than you could possibly do in 4 days. We tried but did not come close.
Our favorite part of the trip was on Friday when we went snorkeling. We went with many of the people who I work with. We ended up going to three locations that where quite different. The first one was a coral reef. At this location we saw lots of fish and coral. At this location I lost track of Devin and ended up just doing what I wanted to do most of the time. I eventually ended up close to Devin but she wanted to stay close to the boat so I took off again and looked at all the other stuff around. The second location was a wreck. It ended up being a plane wreck. As a matter of fact the plane was wrecked for the movie “Jaws”. The wreck it self was not very interesting so we headed over to tom coral a little ways away. We ended unintentionally being pulled quite a ways from the boat by a fairly strong current and had to work real hard to get back. The third location was very cool we got to go snorkeling with sharks. Can you shocked that Devin decided not to get off the boat and swim in shark infested waters. I know I was. I got in the water and got some pictures of the sharks. They where back tip sharks and while I was in the water they where about 15 -20 feet away from us. I wan to let you know that unlike the other locations we had very different rules the boat captain threw out a nylon rope with a float on the end. They then called the sharks close to the boat by slapping the water. This is what they normally do when they feed the sharks. At this point the sharks came within inches of the boat looking for some food. They then let the sharks drift away from the boat. Everyone who got in the water was not allowed to splash the water with their fins and had to keep 2 hands on the rope at all times. The sharks circled us. There where about5 sharks around us at all times it was very cool. No matter what Devin days swimming with the sharks was lots of fun.
One day we got to go to a dolphin show the Dolphins did flips and some of the dolphins threw their trainers in the air and their trainers did flips. It was fun to watch the Dolphins. The last day we where in the Bahamas we finally got out to the beach. It was very nice and looked like it was fun unfortunately we did not have time to go in and play in the ocean. The only other things we did of real consequence was go to meals that my work provided, but I am quite sure that you do not wan to hear about those. As a matter of fact Devin and I bailed early on all of them except 1. Snorkeling was my favorite event but it was not my favorite part of the trip. My favorite part of the trip was being with Devin without any real commitments or time constraints. We got to sleep in as long as we wanted do what we wanted and had a great time doing it. I would like to thank Jason for dropping us off and picking us up from the airport that was a big help. Attached are a few pictures of our trip and Yes dad in a few of the pictures I am wearing your new fishing hat. We hope you had as good of a week as we did but we know our week was pretty tough to beat. We will sign in again next week but until then have fun.
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